The Melting Qingming Festival 溶解清明上河图

Oct 8, 2024|Jan 30, 2025
Yixuan Xiao
Yixuan Xiao
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projection on 4 walls
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The Melting Qingming Festival

surround 360-degree projection

I am very drawn to Giuliana Bruno's concept of projection as a cultural metaphor, as presented in her Atmospheres of Projection.
In my understanding, projection is part of narrative, a tool for telling history, and is always rich in cultural metaphor. Throughout the evolution of human technology, light and shadow have always been integrated into cultural narratives in the form of rituals and art. In my first, untitled exploration of projection, I aim to bring this concept to life through practice.
As Bruno states, projection possesses a timeless transcendence, carrying forward through different forms and innovations with each technological change. Projection can be viewed as one of the many reflections of humanity’s evolving experience. For my subject, I have chosen Along the River During the Qingming Festival, a classic theme in ancient China with a history spanning over 500 years. The most famous version of this painting was created by Zhang Zeduan. This painting captures a flattened sense of time—not linear but a collection of moments simultaneously displayed within the space of the frame. My goal is to use modern projection technology to create a cultural metaphor that presents Along the River During the Qingming Festival, expressing the timeless significance of projection across eras.
我非常喜欢 Giuliana Bruno 在她的《投影的氛围》中提出的投影作为一种文化隐喻的概念。 在我看来,投影是叙事的一部分,是讲述历史的工具,并且总是富含文化隐喻。在人类技术的发展过程中,光影一直以仪式和艺术的形式融入文化叙事中。在我第一次对投影的无标题探索中,我的目标是通过实践将这一概念变为现实。 正如 Bruno 所说,投影具有永恒的超越性,随着每次技术变革,投影都会通过不同的形式和创新向前发展。投影可以看作是人类不断发展的经验的众多反映之一。对于我的主题,我选择了《清明上河图》,这是中国古代的一个经典主题,历史跨越了 500 多年。这幅画最著名的版本是由张择端创作的。这幅画捕捉到了一种扁平的时间感——不是线性的,而是在画框空间内同时显示的瞬间的集合。我的目标是利用现代投影技术,创造一个呈现《清明上河图》的文化隐喻,表达投影跨越时代的永恒意义。
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